I take part in an online Daily Challenge, and the challenge for Sunday was to do something creative for 10 minutes. Yes, I know that it was on Sunday and I'm a little late. I've been busy working, but I'm taking the time now.
I've been thinking about writing a lot lately, and writing a novel to be more specific. I don't know if I have what it takes to write something that people would want to read, but it's worth trying. I wrote a book when I was 12/13, but it's not something I could ever publish because I know that there is a book out there with a similar name and storyline (which, for the record, I found out AFTER I had written my story... I was not happy at all with this discovery, btw) and I also would have to do a complete overhaul as it has the New Kids On The Block as characters.
The obvious thing to draw inspiration from for a novel would be the past year since my break-up. I know it's not a ground breaking idea for a story, but the old adage is to write what you know. My life hasn't completely turned around and I'm not in a fantastic place, but the story doesn't have to be completely biographical. In fact, probably better if it's not, because that way if I ever did try to get it published, it wouldn't be as devastating when it's ripped to shreds. I'm not being pessimistic; I just know that first time authors go through A LOT of rejection.
I joined this other challenge today which starts on November 1st and requires you to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I don't even know if that will be possible based on my work schedule, but I figure it's worth a try, even just to get the creative juices flowing because I know a writer exists inside of me. And the only way to get better is to practice. I haven't sat and written a story in years, so I am really out of practice. My brain is used to writing essays, but even that is a little rusty as I have been out of school for a few years.
My mom challenged me to write a mystery/romance. That's not really where my brain is going at the moment, but I will keep the idea in mind and see if I can come up with something in the future. I've been reading a lot of "chick lit" lately, and even that first novel I wrote would have fallen into that category, albeit for the pre-teen/teen age group. I have 20 days or so to "get my ducks in a row" so to speak and work out what I want to write. But, for now, my ten minutes is up. :)